Symptoms of COVID19
Please can I remind parents and carers about the processes regarding symptoms of COVID19.
If your child has developed a new or continuous cough, and/or a high temperature and/or loses their taste or smell.
They must not come to school.
They should get a test immediately and the whole household should isolate until the test is negative or if the test is positive until the 10 days isolation period is up.
School should be informed of the test results immediately and the results should be sent to school via Seesaw.
If school sends a pupil home with any of the symptoms identified above/ or if we contacted by a parent/carer saying their child has symptoms of COVID 19 and they do not have a test - under current guidance I would have no option but assume that the child is positive and close the bubble.
By working together we can keep our school community safe. We have done so well to get to the last week of the Autumn Term with only one isolated case in early September.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Jones