Maesteg Primary Cluster Approach to raising attendance.
Report an absence or lateness
If your child is absent you can either complete this form or telephone the school on 01656 815565 or text 07786208889. You must explain clearly the reason why your child is not in school. You must also give the date/day and a possible return date. Ms Morgan in the school office will confirm receipt of the message using the website by contacting the email provided. Please complete by 9:30am on the first day of absence.
At Llangynwyd Primary School, attendance and punctuality is a school priority and forms one of the school’s key targets on it’s School Development Plan.
Attendance is also a priority for Welsh Government and they have recently published the consultation document, “Belonging, Engaging and Participating – Guidance on improving Learner engagement and attendance” and Attendance is Target 2 on the Bridgend CBC Strategic Plan for 2023 -2026.
Attendance over the last few years has been significantly lower than pre Covid.
Academic Year | Llangynwyd Primary | Bridgend LA |
2018-2019 ( Pre Covid) | 94.7% | 94.8% |
2019-2020 | 91.9% |
2020-2021 | 91.2% |
2021-2022 | 86.7% | 86.5% |
2022-2023 | 89.2% |
This year the school has an ambitious target of increasing attendance by 3.3% to 92.5%, and then by a further 2 % next year to reach the levels pre pandemic.
We can only achieve this with your support and this booklet is to share the processes that the school and the Local Authority will be doing to raise the levels of attendance. This will mean a return to the Fixed Penalty Notice if necessary.